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Tea of All Colors Can Leave Dental Stains Behind

Posted on 8/10/2020 by Parkway Dentistry at Langtree
Tea of All Colors Can Leave Dental Stains BehindNo matter how transparent a cup of tea might look, every time you sip it, you immerse your teeth in a pool of colorants that might cause discoloration over time. But that does not necessarily imply that you can't drink your tea regularly in the morning and between meals and still retain your pristine smile. You can still enjoy all the benefits of your various herbal and therapeutic teas without ruining your smile in the long run. Read on to find out all you need to know to protect your pearly whites from the stains from tea.

The Teeth Discoloring Ingredients in Tea

Tannin, a brownish/yellowish naturally occurring substances generally found in plant matter like galls and barks is the culprit behind the teeth-discoloring effects of tea. To put things in perspective, tannin is used in the industrial production of ink and leather. Surely, any amount of tannin present in the plant ingredient of the tea you drink will leave a dent on your pearly whites. Coffee and wine, which also come with heavy concentrations of tannin, can also stain your teeth. The discoloration worsens the more the tannins buildup up on your teeth's surface.

How to Remove Tea Stains from Teeth

We would certainly not recommend you abstain from drinking tea or coffee to prevent tea-induced discoloration. Good oral hygiene can go a long way in helping you rid your teeth of tannin stains. But depending on the level of tannin buildup, you might need more advanced teeth cleaning and teeth whitening solutions.

You can visit our offices to have our trained staff examine your teeth and recommend the best teeth whitening procedure for your teeth. We'll help ensure that tea-induced discoloration doesn't dampen your spirit every time you hope to uplift yourself with a cup of tea.

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