Posted on 3/30/2020 by LDAoffice |
Before we get into problems that microdontia can cause you, we should first explain just what microdontia is. In a nutshell, microdontia is a condition that produces tiny teeth. If you look in a mirror you notice that your teeth are of a uniform size. They all fit together well, which enables you to chew your food easily. If you suffer from microdontia, this is not true. There are three types of microdontia; localized microdontia, relative generalized microdontia, and truly generalized microdontia. These are inherited traits and your genes are the only way you can develop the condition. Localized microdontia is the most common form of this genetic trait and usually affects only one tooth. It occurs when an adult tooth that didn't fully develop. Truly generalized microdontia is rare, affects all of your teeth, and usually occurs in people that were born with pituitary dwarfism. Relative generalized microdontia occurs when you inherit a large jaw from one parent and normal-sized teeth from the other. Can It Cause Problems?For the most part, the only problem you have with microdontia is that you may prefer that your teeth are larger for the sake of your appearance. We are happy to help with that as there are options available to you. Veneers and composites work well, particularly with localized microdontia. There are a couple of conditions that can develop as a result of microdontia. These conditions are cysts and/or abscesses. They can develop because your teeth are spaced unusually in your mouth. If you do have microdontia you should be sure that you see us regularly so we can spot problems before they become severe. What you want to look out for is simple. Look around the gums or the root of the small tooth. If you notice any pain, inflammation, or redness in that area, contact us for an appointment. If you don't treat them, they could fill with food particles or pus which could lead to dangerous infections. If you have any questions, give us a call. |